Wednesday, September 21, 2011


    Relative-Eastern and Northern hemisphere, West-central Europe, bordered by the North sea, Denmark, Poland, France, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, and Netherlands.
    Absolute- 52 North, 13 East
    Human Characteristics- A lot of people live in apartments, single family houses are likely to have a cellar and loft. Main language is German, Christianity and Roman Catholicism are main religions
    Physical Characteristics- Rhine valley, rivers, hills,
    Adapt- develops clothes, fire to heat homes,
    Modify- Building roads, houses, bridges, littering, etc. Just like other countries.
    Depend on- water to drink and produce electricity, forests for building materials  
    People- Get around by car, rail, and bus. (Rail is popular but not cheap.)
    Ideas- Tech, talking, any form of communication
    Goods- Rail,
    Formal-Rhine, Ore Mountains, Alps on the southern border
    Functional- Spreewald biosphere reserve famous for its irrigation system

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


    Relative- Second largest island in Europe, south of the Artic circle between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Greenland sea.  East of Greenland, Northwest of UK
    Absolute- 65 degrees North, 20 West
    Human Characteristics- Fishing Industry is more than 70% of imports.  Live in houses of brick, concrete, wood, etc.  speak german language of Icelandic, similar to
norweigian.  Speak English and german.  Ethnicity celtic and Nordic  religion evangelical Lutheran holds 85% of population
Lakagígar-Craters of Laki

    Physical Characteristics- Mountains, green valleys, black sand deserts, glaciers, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls.  Lakagígar Craters of Laki
Human-Environmental Interactions:
  Humans adapt-  geothermal power
  Humans modify- cutting down trees, building roads and bridges,
  Humans depend on- geothermal heat sources,
    People- no train transport, most people drive, boats
    Goods- ships, planes. trade
    Ideas-  tech, mail,
    Formal-Ísland, Lyðveldið Ísland, Republic of Iceland,
    Functional- Route 1(main highway)


I have traveled southeast off the coast of Asia to the country of Japan at 34 degrees North and 139 degrees East.  The country lies East of China and the Korean Peninsula and west of the Pacific Ocean.  Here, people live mostly in a combination of modern houses made of modern things and traditional houses.  Traditional Japanese houses are made of erecting wooden columns on a foundation of packed earth.  Plywood is often used for the walls, and the sloped roof is covered in tiles called kawara.  Most people here obviously speak Japanese, and English.  The three main religions I've noticed are Buddhism, Christianity, and Shintoism.
There are four main islands of Japan, which are Hokkaido, Shikoku, Honshu, and Kyushu.  The country is very mountainous, with 70-80% of the land covered in forests and/or mountains.  Humans here adapt by building their homes to withstand earthquakes more effectively.  They modify the environment in Japan just as they do anywhere else, by building houses, cities, bridges, etc.  They depend on the sea, for their main choice of food, fish.  Most people get around using Japan Railways, cars, and buses.  Ideas travel though the Internet, talking, movies, etc.  Goods are moved about using railways.  Main formal regions are; Chubu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Okinawa.  Functional regions are; JNR (Japanese National Railways); and JR Group, which consists of 6 groups: JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Central, JR West, JR Shikoku, and JR Kyushu.  These groups are urban, regional, inter-regional train lines with night trains and bullet trains.